6 Elements Of Success
Attend Classes consistently
We ask all students to attend classes a minimum of 2 classes each week (2 or more classes each week allows for greater retention of the life skills and lessons being taught)
Attending consistently also helps students grow into the routine of having martial arts training.
Observe Classes
Whenever possible we ask that you stay and observe your child’s classes.
This helps you understand and explain the lessons or answer any questions your child may have.
Student Support Material
Our student manual is a great way to learn more about what our lessons mean.
The best way to learn is to speak to our staff and ask questions.
Attend Special Events
Special events will inspire you and your child with the joy of all that taekwondo offers
Events include: Holiday Breakthon Fund Raiser for the Children’s Hospital, Friendship tournaments either compete or observe, invitational demonstration teams from around the world, and Dojang events such as this one, buddy day, movie nights, etc.
Communicate with the Instructors
We are here to help support the positive growth and development of every student through the physical and philosophical training that martial arts provide. Any moments where you need support in a situation with your child we are here, this includes moments of encouragement as well as behavioral discussion that need to be had.
Praise your child often!
We emphasize positive reinforcement and encouragement throughout lessons at the studio.
We ask that all parents keep this same attitude at home and focus on the things their child is doing well and continue motivating them to become the best future version of themselves!